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We have more exciting updates to share with you. We have released two new custom blocks and a recent WordPress update has added two more:

Heading + Image Hover Block: If you have visited the new WFU homepage recently, you may have noticed the “Why Wake Forest” section with its dynamic rollover that displays different images as you hover over various headings. We’ve just made this block available to everyone. If you’d like to implement the new Heading + Image Hover Block on any of your pages, be sure to check out the documentation in our guide.

Mobile Graphic Swap Block: The Mobile Graphic Swap Block is another feature originally built for the homepage that we think might be useful to everyone. This block will serve a different image based on your users’ device. Many times on mobile devices, the text on a desktop-sized horizontal banner will be too small to read; switching to a mobile-friendly version of the image will solve the issue! 

Details Block: Similar to our Accordion Block, the Details Block creates a page element that can be toggled open or closed. Even though it has similar functionality, it’s a smaller single block and works great where you’d just like to unobtrusively hide some content, like a transcript below a podcast or as a “Read More” option on a long block of text.

Footnotes Block: The Footnotes Block provides an easy and intuitive way to add footnotes to your webpage. The Footnotes block automatically adds, removes, and re-orders your footnotes as you edit your text, and it provides links to and from the footnote and content.

We want to also note that we have programmatically solved the recent duplicated accordion issue, those should now work correctly, and we’ve added an update where you can customize the accordion link! But for accessibility reasons, we will no longer support nested accordions, and they do not currently open. If you need help with unnesting your accordions, fill out the Web Request Form.

All of these features and more are documented in our handy WordPress Guide, and as always, feel free to reach out using the Web Request Form if you have any questions.

To see a full list of changes in our latest deployment, read our blog entry.

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