Enhanced Story Archive Template

Our beautiful Story Archive page template is now more flexible. Rather than displaying all post categories, users can select which categories to display.

As a reminder, our Story Archive template displays posts in a photographic grid. Users can click the categories to dynamically filter the visible posts. You can see an example at Wake The Arts.

Modification to the Staff List Block

We’ve revised the way the Staff List Block handles individual profile pages. In the 2.0 update, every staff member, whether listed or not, received an individual profile page. However, this approach led to the creation and exposure of unnecessary pages.

In the 2.1 update, individual profile pages are now created only if “Yes” is selected in the new “Create Profile Page” taxonomy. For further details, check out our documentation.

Improved Error Message for VPN Access

We’ve all been there—trying to access our site while off-campus or not connected to the VPN. The default error message caused many to submit support requests.

In this deployment, we’ve added a custom error screen to remind users to check their VPN status before proceeding.

Accessibility style improvements

Our Featured Image and Link with Arrow Button received subtle style improvements to aid with color contrast text legibility for site visitors.

This is part of our commitment to constant improvement so we can be as accessible as possible for users of all abilities.

Building a Better Website Tips & Reminders: Training

Whether you’re new to WordPress or need a refresher, ongoing training is essential for staying up-to-date with the platform’s features. The WFU WordPress team offers regular training sessions and resources to help admins and editors make the most of the site’s tools. Check out available training sessions to ensure you’re fully equipped to manage your site effectively.

Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or reach out with any questions using the Web Request Form.

Categories: Deployment
