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The heading + image hover block allows you to create a dynamic rollover element that displays different images as you hover over various headings.

Note: For users of assistive technology, images in this kind of block should always be marked decorative and should never be used to convey important information. Please do not add “alt text” to the images used.


Heading + Image Hover!

Linked Heading

Morbi elementum ipsum velit, molestie porta felis porta at. Aliquam volutpat, libero eu blandit dictum, libero arcu facilisis elit, id auctor lorem.

Heading without link

Nullam non nisl bibendum ex condimentum consequat sed dictum odio. Donec ultricies sit amet enim id convallis. Quisque mi sem, vestibulum et sodales e

Another heading!

Integer cursus, mi ut bibendum convallis, metus ex scelerisque odio, vitae viverra erat odio tempor odio. Ut aliquam arcu ac mi interdum, eget consequ

Block Settings

Hover Block Header: This field populates an H2 at the top of the block.

Headlines + Images: The block repeater field for each heading and the associated image. Allows up to 4 items.

Best Practices