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The Testimonial Slider is an easy way to add sliding testimonials to your website. If you’d like this plugin enabled on your website, use our  Web Request Form.

Quick Start Video

To add a testimonial slider your website, first request that the plugin be enabled. Once the plugin is enabled, you’ll see the Real Testimonials menu item in your dashboard.

Creating a testimonial slider involves first adding testimonials (use Add New) and then creating a View (click Manage Views and then “Add New”). Once you have both of those things, you can go to any WordPress Page or Post and add a Real Testimonial Block.

Once you’ve added the block, select the view from the drop down. At that point a preview of your slider will appear in your editor.

An “edit view” link will also appear on your editor. If you’d like to adjust the view, that link will take you to the View Settings page.

Testimonial Slider Demo

Luke Skywalker, a Force-sensitive human male, was a legendary Jedi Master who fought in the Galactic Civil War during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

Luke Skywalker
Jedi Master

Darth Sidious, born Sheev Palpatine and also known simply as the Emperor, was a human male Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor of the Galactic Empire, ruling from 19 BBY to 4 ABY.

Darth Sidious

Anakin Skywalker was a legendary human male Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic and the prophesied Chosen One of the Jedi Order, destined to bring balance to the Force.

Anakin Skywalker


In the video demo, I used custom css and custom color. You can copy and paste that information from the toggles below: