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Our most recent WordPress deployment is happening today. Here’s what to know and look for:

Better Forms:
Every form on our website now includes Google ReCaptcha to protect against spammers and bots. There’s also a new notification on the WordPress dashboard alerting you to forms where you have the Admin Notification turned on but have not set a recipient other than the default.

Better Performance:
A new caching plugin has been enabled which should help our sites load faster.

Better Accessibility

The weather page and the global navigation have both had design and accessibility improvements so folks using screen readers or keyboard controls for navigation will have an easier time understanding and locating information.

Tweaks Behind the Scenes

  • Several plugins were updated.
  • We’ve added a “Back to Top” link and a way for users to flag out-of-date or incorrect content.
  • Accordions are now anchoring to the top of the browser window when clicked.
  • The Department Events Block now correctly displays a block title.

So, there you have it! The website should now be running smoother, looking better, and keeping those pesky spammers at bay. Whether you’re posting, reading, or just exploring, these updates should make your experience even more enjoyable. If you do find anything amiss, however, you might first try clearing your browser cache. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, let us know. Happy browsing!

Categories: Deployment

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